Monday, June 9, 2008


Well, the morning starts off with Jimi waking us up at 7 am just like clockwork. After getting Dapo off to his conference at 8, I started getting Jimi and I ready. The plan was to get breakfast and then go for a walk.

This hotel is not exactly family-friendly. There is no bathtub, and Jimi is WAY too big for the sink. So, he'll have to learn how to shower. I realized if he didn't take a shower with me this morning, he wouldn't get one today, so it was off to the shower. I took it slow, not wanting to scar him for life from showers, and kept the temperature at a level he could be comfortable at. He hated it. I could barely get my hair shampooed before he was sobbing for the outside world. Luckily I was able to rinse it out and called it quits. After the shower I dressed us both and went to do my hair while Jimi was busy playing with trashcans and whatnot. I didn't pack my blowdryer because of the afore-posted baggage restrictions. I knew the hotel would have one.

What I did not know is that the "Toastmaster 300" that the luxury resort provides dries your hair at a pace that would make snails look speedy. And, that was on high. Makes you wonder why Toastmaster even bothered making a second, lower setting. I have a lot of hair as well, exacerbating the problem. The last time I remember seeing the clock it was 9:30 and I think we'd all agree that is still a decent hour of the day to expect to be served breakfast (yes, that is a foreshadowing you're picking up). I got Jimi buckled in to the stroller, packed the diaper bag and camera, and went on our way.

After I went into the sundry store looking for AA batteries, only to come away empty-handed (what kind of hotel sundry store runs out of batteries before condoms??), I meandered over to the only restaurant I could find that was open...the same italian joint that was closed yesterday at 3pm. I asked to be seated and was informed that they are closed for breakfast. The time? 10:05?? You have GOT to be kidding. Now mind you, this hotel is huge, but it is not close to anything but the river. I'd have to hail a cab to get to another restaurant. Or, go back to my room. Seriously. As it turns out, I can order breakfast from room service from the SAME restaurant as I was just turned away from. Make sense? Totally, right?

Well, it may have been just as well, as Jimi seems to have given up on breakfast and has fallen asleep in the fifteen minutes or so that I've been writing. Hopefully he wakes up before 3pm in order to eat lunch!


Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

Hey Kari! I found your blog on your facebook page. How are you doing? I will have to link your blog into mine.

Eso said...

Hi Shannon! Go ahead and do that, I'll do the same. Things are going well. We just got home from a trip to DC. Hope all is well with you.