I told my mom how much Jimi enjoyed it and she told me that when I was a little girl I had a wooden rocking chair that I would sit in and rock and watch Sesame Street. Evidently I sat and rocked so often that I wore a notch in the end table from rocking up against it.
I vaguely remember the rocking chair part, but do remember loving Sesame Street. Dapo and I went shopping last Saturday and bought Jimi a little rocking chair. I thought it'd be cute to get a little Elmo chair, but bright red/orange/green/blue/yellow is not a look I favor for my house decor (you'll recall we built a window seat to hide all those toys)! So, we opted for the brown micro-suede.
It was funny because we got three chairs down and had Jimi sit in them. The Elmo chair was too small, really, and the stable chair w/o rocker he barely sat in before climbing into the rocker and setting up shop. He looked just like Dapo does in our chair and a half, so we bought it.
Here's some pix of Jimi enjoying himself!

Two peas in a pod! I'm convinced with Jimi having a pair of glasses and a mustache, they would pass as twins.

They seem happy, don't they?

Now they are laughing at each other.

Sit up, sit down, sit up, sit down

Dapo: Jimi, look at Mommy. Jimi: No way!!

Flying solo

Watching Sesame Street

Finally, a Coke war not involving the DEA. Jimi wanted a drink, and kept trying to grab it. Dapo won.
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