When we got home from the pool this morning, Jimi found a way to remove his shoes, socks, then his pants, and finally his diaper, and went streaking through the house. I grabbed the camera, and took pictures of him, and some day he will be mortified to know that I have posted them on my blog!
He also has picked up some pretty fun mannerisms lately, as well. He doesn't use his words much...except I hear "bahloo" a lot. I know that he knows them, he just chooses not to use them. Nowadays when I ask him if he is hungry, or ready for lunch he will just take off running to his high chair if he is. Sometimes, I don't ask him, but I find him standing at his chair. So cute.
Dapo has been letting him play with his phone for quite some time. I resisted at first, but that went over like a lead "bahloo". Jimi now takes your phone and instead of calling someone whose name starts with a letter on the #5 key (sorry Jon, Jill and Jody), or using it as a teether, puts the phone to his head. He walks around with it against his ear, and then when he tires of it, puts it against your ear. Such a smart boy!
1 comment:
What is it with kids and cell phones? Maren does the same thing, I love it. I want to get her a toy one for Christmas so she will stop hiding my phone. :)
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