Thursday, December 18, 2008

Closed and Long Day

Today I went to the OB. You may recall I thought I was going yesterday to Dr. Rushing. After signing in and waiting for my appointment at his office, the receptionist called me up and told me Dr. Rushing was not there that day. She proceeded to tell me he was there on Tuesday, and that's when my appointment was. No biggie, she said, she'll just reschedule me. Did I want to see so and so at such and such a location, or Dr. Rushing at Crestwood. I choose my Dr. even though it is CLEAR across town.

It was maybe not the best decision, as we wound up being at that office for nearly TWO hours. Poor Jimi did the best he could to be a good boy. He just wanted to tear up the office. Dapo left the waiting room three or four times with him while we waited to be called back. There were so many people there that all of the men were standing, because all the chairs were taken. So he didn't mind.

When I finally did see the Dr., my blood pressure was its standard high 138/84. The baby, as usual, did not want us to listen to her heart. I told the nurse that I thought the baby must have dropped because I have been feeling a lot of pain in my hip/pelvis area; along with pressure and a few contractions. Dr. Rushing checked me and described me in a way I'd never heard before: "you're closed and long". I thought, "wha?" It means not dilated and not dropped. So, if not dropped, why so much pain? Dr. Rushing explained the baby is breech, that's why.

I also told him sometimes when I walk my legs just buckle under me. He is such an even kilter guy that he nods his head yes. I said, you are just okay with that? He makes a good point, he can't do anything about it. Alright, so he tells me to try to stay off my feet and get rest. No problem, Doc, I will just need some go-go Gadget arms to play and chase Jimi with. I guess the leg buckle thing is due to the hormones loosening the joints.

He looked at my blood glucose levels, which have been good overall, but are consistently high in the morning. In fact, no matter what I do at night, they are higher than they should be. Since I've started monitoring, I've not yet had a number within range. He started me on a medication to help that and I only have to take it once a day, at night.

He did not take an ultrasound of the baby, so whoever told me they would just had a doctor with a different philosophy than mine, I guess. I also made him feel my abdomen and tell me how big the baby is. And, I told him, DON'T say 7 lbs plus or minus a few...because we all know what happened the last time he said that! He felt and said, okay, "6 plus or minus..." Everyone wants to be a comedian. Don't quit your day job, Dr., at least not until after January.

After the Doctor I had arranged to get my haircut at a friend's house. She has a little boy about a year older than Jimi and they get rowdy and play and have fun while she cuts my hair. Because of the wait and the fact I was on the other side of town, I didn't get to her house until 1. Jimi was so tired because he woke up at 630, but he couldn't get that nap until we left. We wrapped up by 3 and went home.

It was a long day, but more importantly: it was a closed and long day.


Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

Wow, I totally feel for you. Only one month to go! Do you think they will take the baby early because of your high blood pressure and diabetes?

I love you they tell you to go home and get some rest. How in the hell do you do that when you have a toddler? :)

Eso said...

Well, this reply is better late than never, but my Doctor does not seem to be interested in monitoring the gest. diabetes or my blood pressure. I had to ask him if he wanted to look at my blood sugar numbers and then he kinda looked at my chart and said yes. So, those will not likely be factors in early induction.