Friday, May 30, 2008

It's a scarf, people

Have you heard that Rachael Ray has had her own "wardrobe malfunction". Well, not exactly, but Dunkin Donuts did pull one of her ads this week. Here's the AP: "BOSTON — Dunkin' Donuts has pulled an online advertisement featuring Rachael Ray after complaints that a fringed black-and-white scarf that the celebrity chef wore in the ad offers symbolic support for Muslim extremism and terrorism."

Ok, I consider myself on the right side of the aisle...but c'mon this is ridiculous. The press release goes on to say that the scarf resembles a kaffiyeh, a traditional Arab headdress which has recently come to be associated with "murderist Palestinian jihad". Have these people ever watched her shows? She probably picked it up on a $30/day show and still had enough left to tip the waiter. This is the woman who says YUMMO easilly a dozen times a day...and she's being pegged for terrorism??

What bothers me is that DD pulled the ad. I wish they would have said that the scarf was just a scarf, and allow RR to handle the issue. I mean, Don Imus I understand, but Rachael Ray??? I guess Michelle Malkin, the instigator of the ordeal, is just jealous that she can't make a meal in under 30 minutes.

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