Monday, June 30, 2008

Air Show

Traffic on the way to the air show

These two are goofing off

Playing with Jimi's ball

Jimi watches an airplane
Someone loves his Daddy
He wanted to hold the umbrella...and squealed when Daddy let him
Aw, love bugs
Wait! Jimi! Wait!

This plane would do big dives and it would go way high up and just float there it seemed...that's what he's doing in this pictureNeato planes!
I give Jimi a hand as he walks towards me...I mean the umbrella
There were so many people that some stood on their cars to see better. I can only imagine how hot that must've been on top of black cars.
Here we go, Blue Angels!
This cute couple next to us were obviously missing their grandchildren. They must've thought we didn't have any water or something, because he felt compelled to offer Jimi some ice. She came over and realized what he was doing and slapped the ice out of his hand, because it was dirty! Another pass
Do you think he knows how cute he is?
More angels
This was the best pic, taken as we were leaving the airportThunderstorms are brewing

Dapo, Jimi and I went to an air show at the Huntsville Int'l Airport on Saturday. For those of you who may have heard about the injuries and death at the air show caused by the thunderstorms, that occurred on Sunday. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those families affected by that tragic incident. For more on that, go here:

We didn't get to the show until around 230 or so. The Blue Angels were scheduled to fly at 3. It was hot and humid, and we set up camp like so many of those around us, in the back of our SUV. I am from the NW where umbrellas are used...a lot! Here in the South umbrellas are used a lot, too, just not for rain. They are used for sun! Thankfully I had a big umbrella in the back of the CRV and we used it for shade from the sweltering heat and humidity.

We took plenty of water and toys for Jimi. It was a lot of fun. We don't get a lot of opportunities to do things like that as a family, so when we do we take advantage of it. Jimi did well with the planes, every now and again he'd see it and pay attention, but he was mostly concerned with the umbrella. i.e., why does Daddy hold it, why won't Mommy let him hold it, etc. There was one fly by once the Blue Angels took off that came from behind us, so we didn't see it coming, and the guy floored it. It was SO loud, and I didn't get a chance to cover his ears, and he started crying. I am sure it hurt him, Dapo said it hurt his ears, too. Aside from that, though, Jimi did real well.

There were lots of people, I think partly because it was a free show. I have a friend that lives near where the air show was, and she was at the air show, also. They got there earlier, so they were much closer to the front of the party. She said it took them an hour just to get out of the parking lot!

I was glad we got home when we did because there were some ugly thunderstorms about to come through. We didn't hit traffic at all, thankfully, because on the way home we were all hot and tired. We stopped at Bruester's for some delicious ice cream and called it a day! .

Abscess Tooth

When we were in DC I had started to feel a bump on the roof of my mouth. I didn't think much of it at the time. As the days went by, it started to grow larger and more painful. I finally got in to the Dentist after two weeks of pain which I'd categorize at a 6-7 daily. There is very little I can do to get relief, except for taking Tylenol. It is so painful and at such a terrible spot that I cannot eat without it hurting, which is bad, because I need to be eating right now. Anyhow, the Dentist put me on antibiotics and said, "see you in a week". The week is not up yet, but the antibiotics are not offering any relief. The abscess is just as large, if not larger than a week ago.

The worst part of it is that I just had a root canal on this tooth in April because of a previous abscess! So, somehow the tooth that is supposed to be dead got re-infected. Argh. Worse yet, the dentist that did the procedure is no longer with the practice, so I have little recourse. I will likely require another root canal on the SAME tooth, and I CANNOT have gas because I am pregnant.

I do plan to call the dentist office this morning and ask to be seen sooner than my Wednesday appointment. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Outlaws of Huntsville

Yesterday was our first softball game. I dislike our name almost as much as our disgusting Safety Orange uni's. But I guess if you're an outlaw, you must look like you've come from the Correctional Facility.

In my usual fashion I annoyed everyone but myself with cheering, jeering and feather kicking.
Yes, there was a dead bird in Right field. I normally play infield but in light of my baby carrying status, I've opted for a less exciting position...where the dead fowl are stored. I about threw up because even though the majority of the body was removed, there was still a disgusting stench and a mound of feathers. The most perturbing part is that the remains were stationed right where the fielder should stand in order to have the best positioning. So avoidance wasn't an option.

I'm sorry I forgot my camera, I would love to show you my tax dollars hard at work with the dual use facility of softball field/pet cemetary.

We lost, 12-14, but it was a good game. We lead for a couple of innings, before our defense unrattled and our confidence was shaken. We staged a comeback but ran out of time at the end. I even missed a ball, because of poor judgment. It was one of those 'tweeners that you can't decide whether to charge or to let it one hop to you. I decided too late to charge, it bounced at my feet. Sucks. Anyhow, I went 1-1 with 3 walks. I had a beaut to the gap in center field. I scored twice from first base. Yeah, those of you that have seen me play/run, you know what a feat this is! The third base coach sent me and I said, "are you sure, I'm running out of gas?!" He was sure, I scored and now my quads are sore!

It was great to have Dapo and Jimi there to cheer me on. I love doing these types of things as a family. I never thought I'd love being a wife and mother. Funny how life changes you.

Oh, I should mention that my Mizuno cleats that I have had for asd;flkjas;d years finally blew up on me. It is worth noting these are the ONLY pair of cleats I've EVER had, and I started playing pre-teens. I can't believe my foot never grew but it didn't. Also kudos to Mizuno for making such a durable shoe. I was batting in a scrimmage (thankfully not a game) and I hit and turned to run to first when the entire bottom of the cleat stayed in the ground and the entire top of the shoe stayed on my foot. It was really kind of amusing. So, I went and bought a new pair of cleats. Of course, I had to buy another pair of Mizuno. If they are going to last for decade(s?) then they have my business!

Our next "showdown" is tomorrow at 8, so Dapo and Jimi will stay home. I will try to remember to take my camera and get some pix.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Treasure Hunt

Dapo reads his card and first clue
Closet Clue
Jimi's Room
Lawnmower Back of Car

Last Sunday was Dapo's first Fathers Day. I got him a mini-fridge, and Jimi got him soda and juice to put inside it. Of course we got him a sentimental card, and then Jimi made Dapo the cutest card in nursery at church on Sunday. It was made of construction paper and had Jimi's "little" hand prints on it. So cute!

Dapo got his gift from us on Saturday night, because the mini-fridge was too heavy for me to carry, and we take my car to church on Sundays, and I didn't want to lug it along.

I set up a series of clues and led Dapo on a treasure hunt: starting in the kitchen to his closet, Jimi's room, the BBQ, the lawnmower and then to the back of the CRV. He really seemed to enjoy the clues and the thrill of the hunt. Jimi and I tagged along behind him and a couple of times after Dapo would find the clue Jimi would giggle. I don't think he knew what was happening, except that Daddy was really happy about something, and the excitement was building.

When Dapo got to the final clue he looked genuinely thrilled. I pack a lunch for him everyday except for Friday, and his company's lunchroom is so far from his office he doesn't bother to store his lunch in the fridge. Besides, we all know how disgusting work fridges are. So, I thought that he would enjoy having his meals kept cool until reheating, as well as having a few Cokes in the drawer. Turns out I was right.

Well, he deserves to enjoy that little bit of happiness. He is SUCH a good father, and a good husband, and a good man as well. He is so kind to everyone and he never has a bad word to say about anyone. All it takes is a little freon to make him happy!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Another walk?

But I don't wanna go for a walk

Oh say does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave?
How'd Daddy get in there?
Jimi by the river walk

Playing with the rocks, ready to make his move

It was so hot there, that is why many of the pictures are taken at or near sundown, like this one of the fountain.

On the last evening of the conference, Dapo got to go to a fancy dinner with the Conference participants. Children were not welcomed, so I stayed behind with Jimi.

The picture of me holding the cellphone is when Daddy called to check in on us and to let us know around what time he'd be home. Daddy was hungry and everyone else was looking at art at the Smithsonian (that's also where dinner was held).

Since Jimi spent so much time either in our room, or in a stroller, I wanted to let him crawl around and get into stuff. What better place than a path of pebbles?? I knew he REALLY wanted to eat the rocks, so I had my eye on him. But, he outsmarted me, and as I reached for the camera to take a picture, GULP, down the rocks went. I did manage to scrape a few out of his mouth, but not before he pitched a fit that made the entire courtyard look our way.

The end of the road at the visitor's center

It's all fun and games until you realize it's a donkey, not an elephant.
Jimi is upside down, but he tips his hat to politics anyhow

Dapo is very serious about Obama, CNN and if I didn't know him I might be scared.
My counter attack is weak...and old

We had some time to kill after our trolley dropped us off at the visitor's center to wait for the bus back to the hotel.

We browsed the merchandise and tried to amuse ourselves. Jimi got a cute little donkey, and we named him Democrat. Sadly, they did not have an elephant.

A lovely day for a stroll

Dapo straps Jimi in for the ride

Can I have it?
They had a little PB&J life is good shirt that I loved for him but it was a bad tone for his skin, or I would have snatched it up.

The white tent is where the yacht show was being held. Didn't see much of anything exciting down there, either.

The Gaylord National is the base of a new city called National City, MD. This place is supposed to be done, and is supposed to have all sorts of cute stores and restaurants. The Gaylord had little family-friendly functionality, so we went on a stroll. To our chagrin we found that NONE of these places were finished, there was a lot of construction and Coming Soon signs. We did find one little sandwich shop where you could get a decent-priced lunch. There was also a Life is Good store open right next to it. I couldn't help but want to duck into both on such a hot day.

Learning to Swim

Proud Papa
Sunset on the Potomac
Dapo helps Jimi up onto the chair where dancing ensues
Jimi gets ready for his lesson
I loved the sun over the river

Baba ke (Big boy)
Jimi had a bunch of fun!
More fun
He wasn't too sure about the lifejacket
Ready for a dip!
Mommy snuck into the pool and Daddy handed me to was kinda cold
After awhile I got the hang of things

A few months ago I bought Jimi a life jacket at Costco. And some swimming diapers, and some swim shorts. The only thing left to do was go swimming! We tried to do so in Dallas, but it was too cold, and they had thunderstorms most of the time we were there, anyhow. So, we packed it all up because I knew we'd have time to swim in DC! At first, Jimi did not know what to think. Eventually, he realized the pool was just like a big bathtub and started to relax. By the end of our swim session, he was floating on his back by himself. I saw a special on Today where a guy can get children to learn how to turn face up in case they fall in water. Some people say that children shouldn't learn to swim before age 4, but I think may have been being pulled at the back of a boat with a rope on something by the time I was 4! My mom brought to my attention they didn't have car seats when we were kids and we all turned out just fine!

Afterwards, we went out to the deck of the pool which is outside, and where the jacuzzi was that Dapo was pictured in. The sun was beginning to set and I took a moment to get some shots of my guys. Dapo started dancing with Jimi and I took a video. It is a bit large, but once I can post it here I will.