Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Husband Post

I saw this on my friend's blog and thought in light of having been gone from him it would be a nice way to remember what I love about him.

1. What is his name? Dr. Oladapo Olufemi Temitayo Eso

2. Who eats more? Dapo. Never come between this man and rice.

3. Who said I love you first? Dapo did the day he proposed.

4. Who is taller? Dapo

5. Who is smarter? Dapo the metallurgical engineer

6. Who is more sensitive? Me.

7. Who does the laundry? Me.

8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the bed- Dapo

9. Who pays the bills? Dapo, and we fight less since he took them over.

10. Who cooks more? Me, except when I don't feel like it he will cook for himself.

11. What meals do you cook together? Nigerian cuisine.

12. Who is more stubborn? ME! Dapo only gets stubborn when he gets very angry, which very rarely ever happens.

13. Who is the first to admit they're wrong? Dapo. Dapo admits he's wrong even when he's right, just to keep peace.

14. Who has more siblings? Dapo.

15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Dapo does, remember I do the laundry.

16. What do you like to do together? Play music, take Jimi to the park, watch movies, eat at the table (an oldie, but a goodie), read.

17. Who eats more sweets? I do, Dapo doesn't even like them. Whenever I want to practice sharing, I ask him if he wants a bite of my cookie. I always know he'll say no, thanks.

18. Guilty pleasures? Basketball, especially the playoffs; sleeping on the couch during football, toothpicks.

19. How did you meet? We met in the band at church in Salt Lake City.

20. Who asked who out first? Dapo asked me out. A friend of his gave him 2 tix to the Utah Arts Festival and he asked me to go. I wasn't interested in him "that way" so I said let's get a bunch of us to go together. He agreed and I arranged for 4 more people to go with us. Those 4 other people forgot that they had a previous commitment and backed out the day of. It was just as well as I found myself having a really nice time with this guy, even though I couldn't understand a word he was saying.

21. Who kissed who first? If you were at my wedding, you saw our first kiss, and he definitely kissed me.

22. Who proposed? Dapo, at Cup of Joe over a cup of joe and Chinese checkers. I was so excited that I kept beating him, even though he'd never heard of Chinese checkers. He was probably losing so bad because he was getting ready to pop the question! I went to the ladies room and when I returned I said let's play again! He said okay but I have to ask you something first. He had never made any moves, so I thought he'd ask to hold my hand or kiss me or something and he asked me to marry him! I heard the angels singing hallelujah and said yes. He never did ask to hold my hand...

23. His best features? His kind soul, his brilliant mind, his anointed piano playing, his love for God, his sense of humor, his big heart, his big muscles, his good looks and the way he interacts with his son.

24. What is his greatest quality? You love to love him. He is the most lovable guy! He has no enemies and many friends. When I was single I had a "list" of things I was looking for. I was told not to do this because it set yourself up for disappointment when you could never meet anyone like that. I was so excited to meet Dapo and learn that such a man existed after all, and had even more qualities than I had listed. I am so blessed to be his bride and the mother of his children.


Anonymous said...

I remember the first kiss! I was so glad to be there to witness it! Now look where you are... 1 1/2 kids later!

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

He sounds like a great guy. I am sad I have never met him! How are you feeling? Good, I hope!