Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's a Girl!

We had our 20-week ultrasound yesterday, even though I will be 22 wks tomorrow. My blood pressure was high (136/80) and I had gained another 6 (oops!) lbs, for a total of 12 lbs.

Dapo was meeting us there. Our pediatrician used to be in the same building as the OB/GYN, but they outgrew their office space and moved to a new building across the road. Ever since then Dapo has confused the two Doctors and showed up at the OB for Jimi's appts and the Pedi for OB. Yesterday he did it again. No biggie, but Jimi got to go with me to the preliminary stuff instead of waiting with Daddy in the lobby.

My son is very adventurous, and in the OB/GYN's bathroom there are stacks of plastic cups to pee in as well stacks of cups with sealed lids to pee in, as well as those wipes to use before peeing. Let's just say I was very apologetic when I emerged from the restroom. I am sure it is not the first time a toddler has mistaken urinalysis materials for building blocks.

We got to the ultrasound room after Dapo showed up and he was busy holding Jimi still. Dr. Rushing showed us pix of the baby's femur, spine, fingers and in between legs! I called him over just before the big announcement. In the last shot, I was trying to follow along with the u/s and I thought I saw a pair of legs, and I remember thinking, "those look like legs, and there's nothing in between". Soon after, he took a picture, and began typing, "G-I-R..." I said "we knew it!"

Jimi was disappointed to know it was not, in fact, a puppy inside of mommy. Maybe next year we can build a fence and get him one. Until then, he will have to be content with a baby sister!


Anonymous said...

Yay a girl! I am so thrilled for you! Little girls are so precious. Now you have one of each, life is pretty much perfect!

Heasleye said...

Oh, congratulations! How wonderful!

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting. I can't wait to hear what you name her!