Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Spike From Ike

This summer has been chalk-a-block full of Tropical Storm/Depressions in our area. First Fay, then Hanna, next Gustav and now Ike. Really only Fay and Ike had immediate impacts.

This morning at about 6:50 the power flickered out. I looked outside and noticed it was very windy. I checked online and we were (still are) under a high wind advisory. I took the hint and ironed my clothes and hair as quickly as possible. About 7 it went out for good. It would stay out the remainder of the time we tried to get ready for church. Apparently it came back on sometime around 830.

On our way to church I noticed the gas prices had soared up over $4/gallon, as much as $5.35 in some places! The stations near our house (because we live in the boonies) were "only" $3.67 and 3.59. The cheaper priced station was OUT of gas, with plastic bags over their dispenser handles. The station with gas had a long line of cars, that spilled over into the street. This would prove to be the trend, as all the 10 miles or so we traveled there were plastic bags covering handles, or no numbers in the slots, signifying the station was out of gas. I realize we're in AL, but still a long ways away from the immediate evacuation of Ike. The people overreacting and buying gas, because they are putting the law of supply and demand into effect and raising the price of gas for the rest of us! Even the governor came out and said, this is not price gouging, this is supply and demand. As an aside, our average gas prices were around $3.30-$3.40 before Ike.

I am sure there will be gas next week. In the meanwhile, we are looking at where to buy gas. Not to get the best price, but who even has inventory.

After church it was raining so hard that even Dapo said it was raining hard. Remember, he is from Nigeria-part of the rain forest-and if he says it's raining hard, then it's raining hard!


Anonymous said...

how scary! I hope you guys are ok down there! We are praying for you. I love all the new posts and pictures of Jimi, he is adorable! Thanks for sharing!

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

I'm glad you guys are okay! I bet the rain was pretty freaky! I was in Connecticut once when the remnants of a hurricane was passing through and it was crazy how the rain was pouring. Hopefully you guys survived Ike with no damage.