Friday, November 21, 2008

Close Call

Today Jimi woke up with a great deal of congestion and mucous across his beautiful face. He's been fighting off a cold for awhile now. I'd say it's been at least a week that he's had a fever on and off again. This morning was the first time I'd heard him cough, and he woke up with a fever of 101.5. So, I decided enough was enough and after checking with Dapo we made a doctor's appointment for him.

His appointment was at 10:10, and it takes about 20 min to get there, so I left here about 9:45. The road you take to get into town is a two-way road, one lane each direction. It is that way for all 8 miles. The speed limit is 45 until you get closer to town, where it goes down to 40. Usually at that time of day there is not any traffic. I was not on the phone, or speeding, or talking or anything.

All of a sudden, I realized I was about to rear end a string of 10 or more cars stopped. I slammed on my breaks and after a second or two could tell I wasn't going to make it in time. I was actually skidding and felt the back of the car start to fishtale. I let off the brakes and turned into the skid, and gassed it. I wound up running off of the road, into and out of a ditch, and coming to a stop near a green belt.

It took me a minute to realize what had just happened, and why I was parked off in the country side. I checked Jimi out and he was okay. I felt okay, but was really shaken up by the experience. Hormones + Adrenaline = Bad Combo. I took a few minutes to compose myself before getting back on the road and continuing to the Dr. office. I called Dapo once I got there and started crying. He told me he'd be right there. He came and comforted me. He is so good at making me feel better.

I was just shook up, mostly because of the feeling of knowing I was going to slam into all of those cars with my two babies in the car. I called my OB to see if they wanted to see me even though I didn't make impact with anything (just some off roading experience). They asked me to come down and just get checked out. Her heartbeat was fine, and they hooked me up to a fetal monitoring machine just to make sure that I wasn't contracting. I had a couple of little ones, but nothing of concern. They sent me home with orders for rest and water.

I am so thankful that Jimi is ok, and that my unborn baby is ok, and that I am ok. Dapo's entire family was in the car today. Everything with us is fine, but today reminded me how precious every moment is and how quickly it can all turn. I am thankful for the angels which were encamped around about me to protect us from any harm or danger.

Thanks be to God, who always gives us the victory!


Heasleye said...

Yikes! That would get your blood pumping! So glad all is well.

Anonymous said...

dang girl! You should be a driver for the FBI.. If it were me I would have rolled the car into the ditch... you have mad skills!

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

How scary!! I'm so glad that everyone is okay. I would be freaking out!