Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We spent today just exactly how it should be spent. Making deviled eggs, veggies and Uncle Dan's, and then arriving right before turkey is served at the host's house. We were invited over to a couple from church's house. The menu consisted of turkey, ham, cornbread stuffing, wild rice stuffing, cream corn casserole, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, cranberry sauce, some kind of Southern onion deal and it seems like I'm forgetting something.

I didn't want to show up empty handed, so I took a veggie tray and deviled eggs. For I think the first time in my life I was able to boil the eggs perfectly. When I cut them open they weren't too soft or too hard. This is usually a problem area for me.

Then, I couldn't get the right mayo/mustard/s&p ratio for some reason (I blame hormones). I also tasted it so many times it just started to taste the same. I finally recruited Dapo for a taste test and asked if it needed anything. "It's good" he said (he is well trained, but not always forthcoming). So, I prodded, "does it need anything?" "Butter?" he replied. Butter?! At this point, I excused him from his tasting duties. I called my dad, the master deviled egger, and received a few tips and a secret ingredient. I added a little more mayo and the secret ingredient, and had a wonderful looking (even if I couldn't taste it) egg tray. I used a squirter deal from Pampered Chef that my mom gave me. I honestly spent about an hour on these darn things...and there were only six eggs.

I managed to get ready and we were loading the car when the phone rang. I answered it, because I thought it was the host calling to see if we were on our way and it was a friend of ours from church who has since moved to Indonesia. That took about 20 min out of our day, and we were borderline late for the food.

When we showed up at the Pollocks, Teresa had already done a couple dozen deviled eggs! Oops, I didn't remember her saying she'd be doing eggs, or I would have went solely with the veggie tray. I took both, and ate my eggs. I was surprised at how good they tasted, it seemed like they got better from the time I put them on the tray to the time we got to their house 5 min away. I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder?

Jimi woke up at 530 this morning and would not go down for a nap. Finally after dinner and several spankings, he started to lay down on the floor at their house. This was about 330 or so, so I commend him for his longevity. We got home and all took our nap. Then we woke up and watched the Seahawks lose miserably.

Now I'm ready for some pie! Tomorrow I am skipping the sales and we are going to put up Christmas decorations as a family. Hopefully I'll remember to take some pix!

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