Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dr.'s visit and Swimming With the Oldies

I had my prenatal checkup today. I am 30 weeks tomorrow. I "get to" take a Glucose test this week. I gained 5 lbs and I was a bit disappointed to see that (I worked hard at eating right and exercising, more on that later).

My blood pressure was 120/78, which is much lower than it has been. I actually dreamt after my last visit that my pressure was 360/80. Ha. Anyhow, I think that must be because of my efforts to exercise more. The baby did not want us messing around with her heartbeat, and hid from it at first. Then, once the nurse found her, she moved. The nurse finally got her heartbeat at 130, although she kicked the entire time (the baby, not the nurse).

Dr. Rushing told me I could have an occasional Tylenol PM to help me sleep at night. Between the kicking and snoring and crying it is hard to get a good night's rest. Dapo had some corporate visitors today and couldn't get away to join us. Jimi did pretty good and only stole one sealed urinalysis test today.

Last visit Dr. R told me to start watching what I eat and start exercising more. I've done both. Since I've not kept up a solid gym routine in my pregnancy, and I'm 6 1/2 mos along, I thought it'd be best to go to water aerobics. I love to swim and I remember when I was pregnant with Jimi we went to the Redneck Riviera and swam around in the Gulf. It was so wonderful not to feel the weight of the baby on my back. And I'm a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" kinda gal. So, to the water I went.

Anyone who has ever been to a water aerobics class knows that these are usually senior-dominated classes. All the young, skinny girls are in the gym or kickboxing. Right? I don't have a problem with this (except, I can't help but think that I'm sure they are leaking urine into the pool. That's gross, I know, but very realistic, too.) and swim along with them.

In every class, there is a group of women who consider this a social hour and swim in a circle and chat and visit. There are usually one or two gaggles that flock together and the rest of us actually work out. It is annoying, because it distracts me from hearing the instructor. They usually drift into your space because they aren't paying attention. I guess I think it is disrespectful, too. But, I don't say anything, I just work out.

The other day I was in a very crowded class, and there were at least three groups of women engaged in conversation. I would go to the other end of the pool, except that end is the one that you have to step ladder into the pool. Not happening in my current physical condition. I did my best to tune out why the lady originally got their orders to move here in 1973; or why he wasn't invited over for Thanksgiving after what he did last year; or how her daughter in California finally met somebody on MySpace (ew).

And then it happened. "The water is warm today, don't you think?" I turned my head to find a borderline AARP member talking to me. "Uh, yeah, I guess so". Back to the workout, I go, hoping she didn't just pee. "I love to go to the steam room. I went to Vegas and we went to the steam room and they have all these herbs and..." Dang it! I'm trying to work out and she's trying to make friends. Why me?! I kept turning my head to the instructor, and then back to her, hoping she'd get the drift that I wasn't interested. I didn't want to be rude, because down here manners are emphasized. I didn't want to talk, either, but how do you tell a person you'd rather not talk? Finally! The instructor tells us to jog/swim a lap back and forth. I managed to get away.

Some of the exercises actually hurt because you are tightening your abs and etc. I have a baby in my abs, who is heavy and sometimes I tweak a muscle the wrong way and go "ow". So, then another lady approaches me. She is definitely a pee candidate. "Are you ok?" "Oh, yeah, I just tried too hard for a minute there. Thanks for asking." She replies, "do you know any midwives? my daughter wants to go into midwifery, but she thinks she'll have to do it in Tennessee". I try to be as brief in my response as possible, "I know there's a midwife community here, but I go to an OB". She seemed to get the hint and went back to her spot. My water just so happened to be back by the first ladies' area. But, I need a drink.

I knew it. "Does your shoulder hurt? I saw you grimace" "No, I am in my third trimester and sometimes I try to hard. Thanks for asking". "Well, who should we call if you go into labor?" "Oh, I won't go into labor yet. I'm only 30 weeks" And, the thought which stayed in my head was "a doctor, dummy".

I made it out of the pool and managed to get my heart rate up amidst a couple of exercise-killing conversations. I will keep going, thanks to my new blood pressure, but I really would welcome anyone's comments on how to stave off a chit-chat attack.

1 comment:

Heasleye said...

LOL! Sorry I don't have any advice for you. Good for you for being so focused on getting some exercise. :) Little kids peeing in the pool has crossed my mind...I must admit, I hadn't considered the older, incontinent bladder crowd. Ewww!