Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Resolution

I went to bed at 930 and woke up this morning around 1:30 to use the restroom. Dapo was particularly restless, rolling over a lot and the likes. Somehow I wound up thinking for about an hour before I decided to get up. After I write this, I'll do some homework and then I'm sure I'll be ready to sleep again. I must be getting ready for changes to my circadian rhythm.

On Wednesday I had my last bi-monthly OB visit. I'll start seeing him every week now until the baby is born. All of the women in the waiting room were as pregnant, or more, than I was. I was seen at a different office (the one actually at the hospital) and so I asked if that was where they send the REALLY pregnant women to. My nurse told me that they were only working a 1/2 day and so they were only seeing the women who really needed seen. Glad to know I qualified.

I have only gained one pound in the last 6 weeks...due in large part to the dietary changes made thanks to the gestational diabetes diagnosis. I am eating well, so I know the baby is doing fine. The baby's heartbeat was 158 and my blood pressure was 128/82. The top # is usually higher. I have been having dizzy spells, and Dr. Rushing said it is nothing to worry about.

The best news of the visit is that the baby is no longer breech. She is head down and he said she isn't "dropped" but she is down. Not sure the difference, but glad to hear we are making progress. I am not dilated, either. Dr. Rushing reiterated that he would induce me IF my body was showing some indications of being ready to be induced, i.e. dilated, baby dropped, thinning, soft, etc. He will do it as early as 38 weeks. I will be 38 weeks in two weeks from yesterday.

Knowing this gives me plenty to think about while I cannot sleep. Things to do (we need to find someone to watch Jimi, get ahead on my homework, stock our freezer with easy to cook meals...), wonder what she will look like, remember to count her toes and fingers, etc. The best part about pregnancy is that you get to know your baby when no one else in the world does.

Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel somehow makes the misery tolerable. My mom mentioned that I slept a lot more when I was pregnant with Jimi, which is why I don't remember the end as much. So, I made a resolution to sleep more...I just am not doing that right now!

Two weeks seems like a long time, but I tell myself it is the length of that vacation you went on that flew by, or it is the amount of time it has been since I last saw Dr. Rushing. If I just take a week at a time, then a day at a time, I can pace myself. Compared with the other 8 months of pregnancy, this should go by the fastest. Right??

Well, Happy New Year to everyone. The best part about it being a new year is that the month (and the year) is finally the same month as my due date. No longer do I say "in January", because he were are! And my New Year's Resolution?? To have a baby, of course! Now there's a resolution I'll have to stick with!

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