Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Nothin' Doin'

Yesterday was my 37 week OB/GYN appointment. Besides the fact I gained 5 lbs in 6 days, there was nothing of interest that occurred. My blood pressure was about the same, the baby hates her heartbeat being monitored, and I have not progressed in the dilation/thinning arena.

I know that my pregnancies have pretty much run the same course as my mom's did. First one was a boy and everything was wonderful. Second one was a girl, and left much to be desired. An item of interest is that my mother's second child (that would be me) did not come until she was 43 1/2 weeks. The good news? Once I decided I wanted to be born I arrived in three hours, start to finish.

So I called my mom and told her not to buy her tickets for what we all had hoped to be a delivery next week. Funny how two weeks ago I could not see how I could make it another month, while now I cannot see not going another month. As a friend of mine who is an L&D nurse rightfully puts it, the most unpredictable animal on the planet is a woman about to have her second child. My husband whole-heartedly agreed!

I see Dr. R next Tuesday, so stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

I woke up at 5am wondering if you were going to have the baby soon... I think it will come on time or early.

Anonymous said...

Just to give you a little glimmer of hope -- my doc said that I was going to be at least a week late with Ashley (my oldest), but the day before her due date she busted my water (she was punching my cervix so hard I actually told her that she was going to have to break my water if she wanted out -- sure enough, she did!). I was so not ready that I wasn't even sure that it was my water...I thought perhaps I had suddenly become incontinent or something (yes, too much info, right??). But nope...only a tiny trickle because I wasn't dilated at all. She was born on her actual original due date. So, you never, never know :D

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

I am so excited for you! I hope things happen quickly and progress as I am sure you are extremely uncomfortable. :)