Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Still Comfy

Update on OB visit...I think I might've gained a pound, and my blood pressure was 138/84. The baby hid from the doppler radar...just as she has the entire pregnancy. When the nurse couldn't find the heartbeat, they brought in Dr. Rushing, and he couldn't get it, either. They wound up sending me to ultrasound to see the heartbeat. I was not worried, as you could see the glob of baby turning from one side of my stomach to the other as she tried to outrun the nurse. The placenta was right on top of her heart, so that's why that was all they could hear. When we went into the ultrasound room, the technician said, "oh, dear, these last few days are the hardest. I can always see it on the mother's faces". I guess I should have worn makeup??

Dr. Rushing checked me and I am finally dilated, albeit only to 2 cm. However, the baby is still high, so there will be no induction. She must be comfortable. I am glad one of us is. Dr. Rushing did make me feel better by telling me if I can be patient and let my body do this myself, I will be more successful than if he does induces me. True, true.

Dr. Rushing also said IF I make it to my appointment next Tuesday we will pick a date for inducing. I like how he makes it sound so conditional, as though there is hope that this child wants to come where she can stretch her legs a little.

So, another week to go. At this point in my pregnancy with Jimi, I was checking into the hospital at 4 cm. Whoever said the subsequent pregnancies come sooner fed me a big fat helping of lies! Nonetheless, I am reminded of Isaiah 66:9, which says:

"Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?" says the Lord. "Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?" says your God.

and Psalm 71:6:

By You I have been upheld from birth; You are He who took me out of my mother's womb. My praise shall be continually of You.

1 comment:

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

Good luck! I am so excited to see pics of your beautiful little girl. I hope you are able to rest and enjoy the last few days of quiet.