Monday, June 30, 2008

Abscess Tooth

When we were in DC I had started to feel a bump on the roof of my mouth. I didn't think much of it at the time. As the days went by, it started to grow larger and more painful. I finally got in to the Dentist after two weeks of pain which I'd categorize at a 6-7 daily. There is very little I can do to get relief, except for taking Tylenol. It is so painful and at such a terrible spot that I cannot eat without it hurting, which is bad, because I need to be eating right now. Anyhow, the Dentist put me on antibiotics and said, "see you in a week". The week is not up yet, but the antibiotics are not offering any relief. The abscess is just as large, if not larger than a week ago.

The worst part of it is that I just had a root canal on this tooth in April because of a previous abscess! So, somehow the tooth that is supposed to be dead got re-infected. Argh. Worse yet, the dentist that did the procedure is no longer with the practice, so I have little recourse. I will likely require another root canal on the SAME tooth, and I CANNOT have gas because I am pregnant.

I do plan to call the dentist office this morning and ask to be seen sooner than my Wednesday appointment. Wish me luck!

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