Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Pool of Thought

I made a recent post about all the senior ladies that converse (among other things) in the pool during aqua aerobics class. I have since noticed that the crowd is usually only there on M,W,F at the 8:30 am class. Because of my Doctor appointments, last week I wound up going on Tues, Thurs instead. The instructor is different, the tempo is different, and so is the demographic. However, a few silver faithful still turn out.

Before class started, one such lady approached me as I entered the pool. "If you don't mind me asking," she said, "when are you expecting?" I told her no, I didn't mind her asking, and I am due in January. But it got me to thinking...why does everyone else just blurt out "when are you due?" Even I myself approached someone I didn't know who looked about as pregnant as me and without even introducing myself, said, "so when are you due?" Granted, it was during a social mixer where we had to ask questions about each other as a crowd breaker, but, I could have started with, "Hi, I'm Kari."

I don't want to get into a "what have we become?" about our generation. As I approach motherhood a second time, the way my senior friend posed her question leaves me inspired to instill in my children proper behavior and good manners.

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