Saturday, November 20, 2010

Securities Licensing Exam - Chapter 11

I think this is the last on munis. Though I have enjoyed the subject matter, I am not testing well enough to pass. I scored 10/15 on the MSRB questions. That's the Municipal Security Rulemaking Board.

I missed 1, 4, 7, 11, 13.

MSRB rules and reg do not apply to the munis themselves.

Municipal apprentices can represent themselves to other brokers, but cannot receive a commission. i didn't think they cld do anything.

when a muni dealer advertises a bond they list the ytm and price of bond on pub date. i didn't chose this option b/c i thought that was only for 2nd offerings.

when campaign contributions are made, i knew the two year penalty. what i got wrng was that the dealer can actually still enter a competitive bid to the municipality. i guess i do not know the difference between a competitive bid and a negotiated bid. they are prvented from bidding on negotiated but can still do competitive b/c in theory municipalities offer these to the lowest bidder.

on the last one regarding discretionary accounts, I didn't think duplicate confirms had to be sent to the clients employer unless the discretionary account was at another broker dealer. the questions did not explicitly state this. but the answer seems to imply that the questions referring to a broker.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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