Friday, November 26, 2010

Series 7 Securities Exam - Chapter 17

This chapter was on Options Strategies.

Pretty interesting stuff.

Missed a lot of questions. I did discover, however, that this book is one of the most poorly rated topical material for the Series 7 on Amazon. The ratings were 2 and 1 stars across the board. I was glad I'm not the only one finding serious flaws in the editing and etc.

Missed ?s 1, 2, 3, 9, 12, 14. Straddles FOUR times. How to purchase one (buy a call, sell a call). What the profit would be one one given x parameters. And the break even point on the straddle (I picked the choice that gave only half of the correct answer - the call - without realizing it should also be the put, thinking that the put would not gain him money but would actually cut into the premium. Silly me.) What points the straddle encompass ie the break even points on each side of the put and call (which is to add the premiums paid to the strike of the put and subtract the premiums from the call, creating a Put Less Premium to Strike to Call + Premium range).

Breakeven point on the long call spread is the net premium (premium made by writing less the premium paid by buying) plus the Call Strike price.

Okay, two more chapters on this very long sections and I will be done. YAY.

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